(For MP4 Movie only 只限動畫/錄像)
You can use choose Upper and Lower part (Full size) or Top Part only (Upper part)
可選擇 上及下部份(全頁畫面)或 只有上半部份(上畫面 )
Full E-card Version (Upper and Lower part )
完整賀卡顯示 (上及下部份)

Animation Part Version (Upper part only)
動畫賀卡顯示 (只有上半部份)

1) E-cards Content
Choose one of the display modes when edit the card:
A) Full E-card (Upper and Lower part )
B) Animation Part (Upper part only)
You can edit the e-cards after login to account:
– For upper part, add Company name and website address
– For lower part, add company greetings word and messages, upload one more company logo or image, additional information, and change color background and words
You can not change:
- Background music
- Greetings at the Animation
- Design Element , Speed, Color and Font type in the Animation
1) 賀卡內容
A) 完整賀卡顯示 (上及下部份),或
B) 動畫賀卡顯示 (只有上半部份)
- 於上半部分,可輸入公司名稱和網站地址
- 於下半部分,可輸入歡迎賀詞和信息文字、一個公司標誌或圖像、額外資料、網址、更改背景及字顏色
- 背景音樂
- 動畫部分問候詞
- 設計、動畫時間、顏色或字款
2) E-mail Template File
You can create the e-mail template after editing the e-cards , receive email template file and send out by your email account (Outlook or etc).
The send out quota from your personal email account is not limited.
The e-cards image hyperlink to your animated e-card content, receiver can click to open and view it during the e-cards promotional period.
You can edit the content on the email template:
- e-mail subject, salutation, closing
- save only save one email content (if you change content after send out email, one record storage in system only)
2) 賀卡郵件檔案
- 電子郵件主題,稱呼,結語
- 只可存儲一個電子郵件內容(如日後在你發送郵件後再修改,系統只保存一個版本)
Sample: Christmas E-cards Email Template

Sample: Birthday E-cards Email Template